Leadership Mondays is now known as the Leadership Masterclass. We have now at season 4 and have managed to curate one of the biggest narrative database on leadership!

Listen in and share!

Fashion with Finch!

‘Fashion With Finch’ is a show that brings you the latest fashion trends, styles, and colours that you should be wearing!

Join us at 10h00 every tuesday (repeats 8pm) as Kwanele Finch adresses different topics in Fashion.

Make sure you stream on your app!


Wellness Wednesdays with Dr Toolz

Join Dr Nkosi as she discusses different topics in health and wellness for a modern African.

Click on the image to catch up on the previous episodes!

Obesity is one of the most challenging lifestyle conditions for many citizens, including healthcare workers.

In this episode Dr Sindeep and Prof Shinghai Mutambirwa discuss this topic in detail!

Everything you always wanted to ask about obesity and more – in three episodes! This is a gift!


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